Bad condition of farmers in this year why??

In this season, the farmers of east rajasthan  are in bad condition due to the rate of there crops is so less and the crops are not grow properly.  The rate of Bajra in 1100rs pe 100kg which is too low and the cotton crop not grow properly due to less rain in East Rajasthan.   Small farmers and those who grow the crop on other farmers field they goes in big loss. And those farmers are not able to grow crops by there own money. They can't able to give the interest of the money which they take from landlords. Because of in this season there is no profit in crops like Bajra and cotton. Any problem  Contact us Privacy and policies



Enter Pikachu

Episode information

Season:              Pokemon journey:the 

 Release date:    17 November 2019

Main:                    Ash, Goh, Chloe
                                 Professor Oak, Delia,                                           Professor cerise.

 Pokemon:           Ash's Pikachu ,blbasaur,                                     Psyduck, Poliweg, caterpei                                      Bellsprout,squritle

Major events:.       It is revealed how Ash's Pikachu evolved from Pichu prior to his journey with Ash four years ago.
Goh encounters Mew for the first time
Episode plot    
The young Ash rushes downstairs to show his mom a poster advertising Professor oak's Pokémon camp. Seeing her son's enthusiasm, delaiadelai to sign him up right away, but warns him that he will have to go to Oak's lab alone as she has other things to do on that day. Ash is too distracted to listen this because of his excitement.

in the forested outskirts of pallet town a young Pichu observes his surrounds. A group of butterfree surrounds Pichu, causing him to twirl in excitement. Suddenly, an Ekans launches forward. To defend himself from the predator, Pichu delivers a thunder shock. Ekans slithers back to its burrow to recover from the shock, while the electrical discharge leaves Pichu exhausted.

Pichu quickly recovers, and notices that he is all alone, unlike all the other wild Pokémon. As he contemplates his situation, a group of Koffing float by and unleashes a horrible smelling gas. The bad smell causes Pichu to become disorientated, and fall over a cliff. After crashing through a tree, a Kangaskhan manages catch Pichu from his fall. Pichu is initially frightened by the large Kangaskhan mother, but quickly befriends her and her child. As the Kangaskhan herd prepare to leave, the mother places Pichu in her pouch. The herd stops at some Oran Berry trees for a feed, with both the Kangaskhan baby and Pichu each getting a whole Berry to enjoy. Having finally found a place where he is taken care of, Pichu continues to live with the Kangaskhan family.

The day of Professor Oak's camp has arrived. While many of the attendees including Chleo and her friend, Gho have arrived on time, Ash is still sleeping. Goh and Chloe are eager to begin their field trip, so Professor Oak decides to set off and stop waiting for Ash. Ash eventually wakes up, and in a panic, he rushes out of home still wearing his pajamas. During the forest excursion, the kids and Oak observe a young Trainer catching herself a Caterpei. During the day, Goh continues to showcase his Pokémon knowledge, identifying every Pokémon in sight and reciting facts about them. While the other kids are impressed, Chloe tells Goh to allow Professor Oak to do the talking instead. However, Goh continues to show off his knowledge of Pokémon. Even correcting Oak on his statement that all Pokémon evolve.

Chloe tells Goh that he should focus on making friends instead, but Goh insists that he wants to find a rare and never-before-seen Pokémon. Chloe dismisses Goh's ambition as a dream, but Goh asserts that it is the future. The cry of a Nidoking attracts their attention, and Goh is surprised by Nidoking's opponent, a Mew. Nidoking uses Earth Power, but Mew simply Teleports to evade. Mew replies with the same move, which easily hits the Nidoking. As Nidoking attempts a Sludge Wave, Mew Teleports away again before retaliating with the same move once again. Nidoking becomes frustrated and launches a Fire Blast at his shifty opponent, though Mew again evades and then proceeds to defeat Nidoking with its own Fire Blast. Chloe and Goh are impressed by the mysterious Pokémon, and they chase it as it flies away. In their search, the pair comes across a Magmar, though Mew quickly Transforms to its regular form to reveal itself. Mew leaves yet again with Goh and Chloe in a hunt, transforming into a Tauros to run across the land before changing into a Lapras to travel downstream on the river.

Pichu continues to enjoy his time with the Kangaskhan family. He plays a game of hide-and-seek.The young Kangaskhan sees a Lapras into the river. Lapras reveals itself to be Mew, who quickly takes interest in the Kangaskhan baby. The Kangaskhan baby climbs over the ledges to follow its mysterious encounter. Meanwhile, the Kangaskhan mothers call their babies out for a Chansey egg meal. Pichu and the Kangaskhan mother soon notice the infant's absence and begin to search for it. The search party makes their way over to the stream, where they overhear the young Kangaskhan's cry. While chasing after Mew, the ledge, unfortunately, broke apart underneath Kangaskhan, sending it hurtling towards the water below. Chloe and Goh stop as they hear the young ones screams. Mew turns back and promptly uses Psychic to save the Kangaskhan baby from harm, and returning her to her mother's arms. With the family reunited, Mew soars away. Afterward, Professor Oak rushes towards the two kids, relieved that they have finally found them. While returning to the rest of the group, Oak thinks that they've encountered a Mew, a Mythical Pokémon speculated to contain the genes of all Pokémon. Hearing this, Goh sets his sights on catching Mew one day. Ash, meanwhile, sits on his bed at home, having missed the camp entirely.

While the Kangaskhan are fast asleep, Pichu leaves them. Pichu suddenly evolves into a Pikachu. Looking in a nearby puddle, Pikachu is initially startled by his unfamiliar reflection before twirling around in excitement. Pikachu waves goodbye to his family before leaving under the cover of nightfall.

Professor Oak gives this Pikachu to Ash. Pikachu, however, isn't too thrilled by his new master's enthusiasm and replies with an angry Thunder Shock. As time passes, Ash and Pikachu continue to become an inseparable duo with an unbreakable friendship.





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